Tina is available for guest lectures and workshops.
Huynh, T. (2025). The Vietnamese Children’s Songbook. Hardback. F-Flat Books.
Huynh, T. (2024). Remembering Musical Childhoods in Vietnam: 1931-1975. Routledge.
Huynh, T. (2023). The Vietnamese Children’s Songbook. ebook and Teacher's Guide. F-Flat Books.
Palmer, E., Vodicka, J., Huynh, T., D’Alexander. C., and Crawford L. (2022). "Re-framing and Re-inventing Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy". In A Music Pedagogy for Our Time: Conversation and Critique. ed. Frank Abraham, GIA Publications
Huynh, T., Drazer-Hoyt, K., Harper, H. (2022). The Resting Place. Documentary film. Chinese Reconciliation Project Foundation.
Huynh, T., Rael, J., Rubino, A. (2021). Songs of Little Saigon. Documentary film. First Light Productions and Acropolis Films.
Ilari, B., Helfter, S., Huynh, T., Bowmer, A., Mason, K., Knight, J., Graham, W. (2021) “Musical activities, prosocial behaviors, and executive function skills of Kindergarten children”. Music & Science. doi: 10.1177/20592043211054829/ ID: MNS-20-0004.R2
Palmer, E., Vodicka, J., Huynh, T., D’Alexander. C., and Crawford L. (2021). “Grounded framework for culturally relevant and responsive music teaching”. Update: Research in Music Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/875512332110558
Ilari, B., Helfter, S., Huynh, T. (2020). Associations between musical participation and young children’s prosocial behaviors. Journal of Research in Music Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022429419878169
Huynh, T. (2019). The musical childhoods of Vietnamese and Vietnamese American elders raised in Vietnam between 1931-1975 (Doctoral dissertation).
Huynh, T. (2016). Cultural preservation through childhood songs: The Vietnamese American lens. Perspectives: Journal of the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association, 11(4), 17-22. (now known as the International Journal of Early Childhood Music)
November 2022. Pass the Baton Podcast. Student-centered game creation.
August 2021. NAfME Blog News in a Minuet. Student-centered game creation.
May 2020. Decolonizing the Music Room. "Asian American Music Educators Reflections on APAHM"
April 21, 2023. Vietnamese Instructional Resources: The Vietnamese Children’s Songbook. Invitation to speak at Highline Public Schools, Burien, WA.
March 17, 2023. Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Music Classroom. Invitation to speak at Highline Public Schools, Burien, WA.
December 2022. Refugees’ Participation in a Community Choir During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 7th international SIMM-posium. Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, United Kingdom.
(2022, Oct 21-22). Hear + Viet + Film Symposium: Trans -Vietnamese Music in Film. Invitation to speak about filmmaking, Vietnamese culture, and film scoring of The Resting Place. University of California, Los Angeles.
Palmer, E., Vodicka, J., Huynh, T., D’Alexander, C., Crawford, L. (2022, November). Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for Music Education: A New Framework for Culturally Relevant and Responsive Music Teaching. NAfME National Conference. Washington, D.C.
August 9, 2022. Vietnamese Community and Children’s Music. Invitation to speak at Garden Grove Unified School District, Garden Grove, CA.
July 18, 2022. Perceptions Of Vietnamese American Elders’ Musical Childhoods Lived During Wartime.
ISME Virtual Conference
July 16, 2022. Culturally Responsive Teaching and Repertoire Selection. Little Kids Rock Virtual Research Presentation. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
(2022, May 6). Hear + Viet + Film: Q&A with the filmmaker of Songs of Little Saigon. Kick Off event to Symposium: Trans -Vietnamese Music in Film. Invitation to speak about filmmaking, Vietnamese culture, and film scoring. University of California, Los Angeles.
(2022, February). A Music Educator’s Practical Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching. Washington Music Educators Association Conference.
Collegiate Q&A Panel. (2022, February). Washington Music Educators Association Conference.
Palmer, E., Vodicka, J., Huynh, T., D’Alexander, C., Crawford, L. (2021, November). A Music Educator’s Practical Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching. CDIME Virtual Conference.
(2021, June). Putting Ownership in Students’ Hands Through Student-Led Gamification. Association of Black Women Band Directors Summer Virtual Conference 2021.
Palmer, E., Vodicka, J., Huynh, T., D’Alexander, C., Crawford, L. (2021, April). Culturally Relevant and Responsive Teaching in Music Education: Grounding for a Practical Framework. National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Eastern Division 2021 Poster Session, virtual.
(2021, February). Student-centered Learning Through Game Creation. Inspiration Showcase at the 2020 National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Virtual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Huynh, T. (2020, August). Musical Development and Learning of Six Vietnamese and Vietnamese Americans Raised in Vietnam Between 1931-1975. Poster at the International Society of Music Educators (ISME) Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Ilari, B., Helfter, S., Huynh, T. (2018, June). Music learning, prosocial behaviors, and executive functioning in young children. Poster and lightning talk at the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association (ECMMA) Conference, Buffalo, New York.
Ilari, B., Helfter, S., Huynh, T. (2018, March). Music learning, prosocial behaviors, and executive functioning in young children. Poster at the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) research conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ilari, B., Helfter, S., Huynh, T. (2018, February). Does Participation in Formal Music Programs Enhance Prosociality in Young Children? Poster at the California All-State Music Educators Conference (CASMEC), San Jose, California.
(2016, October). Prospective Addition to World Music Repertoire: Vietnamese Children's Songs. Session at the California Music Educator's Association (CMEA) Southwestern Section Conference, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California.
(2016, July). Cultural Preservation Through Childhood Songs: The Vietnamese American Lens. Research Paper Presentation at the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association (ECMMA) Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
(2016, February). World Music: Focus on Vietnam. Clinic at the California All-State Music Educators Conference (CASMEC), San Jose, California.
(2015, August). Singing in Vietnamese American Families with Young Children. Presentation at the conference of Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
Bartanen Research Award, University of Puget Sound, 2022.
Little Kids Rock, Popular Music Pedagogies, Modern Band, Full fellowship, Fort Collins, CO, July 2021
Waggoner Endowed Scholarship for Music Educators, University of Southern California, 2018-2019
Teaching Assistantship, World Music, University of Southern California, 2018-2019
Jay Zorn Memorial Award, University of Southern California, 2016-2017
20 Years of Exceptional Service as Flutist and Assistant Director of VAP Youth Orchestra, Vietnamese American Philharmonic, August 2015
Music Teaching and Learning Department Award, University of Southern California, Spring 2015
Dana Gioia Music Scholarship, University of Southern California, Fall 2014
Thornton Outreach Award, University of Southern California, Spring 2014